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Client and son hurt at Murfreesboro megastore win settlement

In October 2022, our Murfreesboro client walked into a well-known massive retail store. She was carrying her three year-old son when she slipped on a hidden watery substance and fell landing harshly on her tailbone. Her son hit an object on the way down, suffering a concussion and other facial injuries. Both clients needed medical treatment at the emergency room.

Stores owe their customers a duty to maintain a safe environment. Tennessee law requires plaintiffs to prove the business was on actual or constructive notice of the dangerous condition, provided the businesses’ employees did not create the dangerous condition. Our client testified that there was a substantial amount of liquid on the floor at the time of the accident. The Megastore, by and through its employees, knew or should have known of the liquid and taken appropriate remedial action. By failing to remedy the dangerous condition, or provide a visible warning, we aggressively argued the retail chain failed in their duty to adequately protect our clients.
Client and son hurt at Murfreesboro mega store win settlement

Like many moms, our client is the primary caretaker of her household. Her injuries from the accident greatly impacted her daily life activities.. At Weir and Kestner Injury Lawyers we make sure our clients have a voice. We make sure clients get to tell their story. We make sure that billion-dollar businesses are held accountable. Premises liability claims against big box retail stores often require filing a lawsuit. These cases are fact intensive and difficult to win. That’s why you need an experienced premises liability injury office to win these cases. In this case, we successfully executed a pre-litigation strategy that won the day and adequately and confidentially compensated my client and her son. After wonderful recoveries, our clients got the settlement they deserved.


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