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Pedestrian Safety Remains a Growing Concern

Pedestrian Safety Remains a Growing Concern One program, which is part of the Smart Growth America group, is the National Complete Streets Coalition. They have some incredible information regarding pedestrian safety in America’s largest Metro areas. Unfortunately, Nashville, Memphis, and Chattanooga, as well as Tennessee in general, do not fair very well went it […]

Pedestrian Accidents are Increasing in Middle Tennessee

Pedestrian Accidents are Increasing in Middle Tennessee 2017 was the deadliest year on record for pedestrians in Nashville, according to the group Walk Bike Nashville. The statistics compiled by the group, demonstrate that 23 pedestrians were killed in 2017 alone and that 30% of all Davidson County traffic-related deaths were people who were walking. Middle Tennessee Pedestrian Accident […]

Halloween Fun Brings Scary Risks of Pedestrian Accidents

Halloween Fun Brings Scary Risks of Pedestrian Accidents We all know kids (and lot of adults too) love Halloween.  They enjoy putting on their costumes, trick or treating, and of course eating all the candy.  Unfortunately, Halloween has been found to increase the risk to children ages 5-14 years old of being injured in a pedestrian accident.  […]

What You Should Do If You Are Injured In A Pedestrian Accident

What You Should Do If You Are Injured In A Pedestrian Accident Often people only think of car accidents involving vehicles.  However, it has become more and more common to see accidents involving cars and pedestrians.  In fact, last year there were 451 pedestrian accidents in just Davidson and Rutherford County.   Why Pedestrian Accidents Are So Dangerous […]

I Just Had an Accident. What Do I Do Now?


I Just Had an Accident. What Do I Do Now? At Weir & Kestner Injury Lawyers, we get asked “what should I do right after an accident?” all the time.   First, and most important is to protect your health.  If you need medical attention be sure to seek immediate medical care.  Second, if you […]

Despite Covid-19 Shutdowns, Vehicle Accident Fatalities in Tennessee Have Increased in 2020


Despite Covid-19 Shutdowns, Vehicle Accident Fatalities in Tennessee Have Increased in 2020 We all know 2020 has been a year that has defied expectations and explanation.  Everyone has been impacted by COVID-19 in one way or another, including the interruption of the most basic aspects of life like school, grocery shopping, eating out, or […]

Worried About Your Teenage Driver? Take These Steps to Keep Them Safe

Steps to Keep Them Safe

Worried About Your Teenage Driver? Take These Steps to Keep Them Safe As a parent, there’s nothing more important to you than the safety of your child. It can be a very scary time for parents when their kids start to drive, especially in the Nashville area, where traffic and accidents have both been on […]